HRCH Big Horn Chasin' Holway's Gold MH MNH4 WCX CGC
Welcome to Wildhorn Kennel, the home of two generations of high quality performance AKC/UKC field golden retriever studs! Our foundation male, HRCH UH Missiquash's Kajun Buckskin Jake MH WCX CGC (Jake), came from Canada in 1998 to become a hunting companion, but that quickly changed after attending a local hunt test, where my husband learned the hunting season goes on forever, and the party never ends! In the blink of an eye, our bundle of fur started accumulating ribbons, going on to become a Master Hunter/Hunting Retriever Champion/Upland Hunter, and we now have his son, HRCH Big Horn Chasin' Holway's Gold MH MNH4 WCX CGC (Chase), following in his footsteps.
HRCH Big Horn Chasin' Holway's Gold MH MNH4 WCX CGC is proudly standing at Stud. Please visit the Stud Inquiries area for additional information about Stud Services and breeding considerations.
Visit our Contact area for questions, comments, or to obtain further information about Chase. Soon, you will find links to further information regarding events, organizations, and other retriever-related interests.
Thanks for your interest in the Wildhorn Boys and for visiting our web site, and don't forget to leave us a note in the Guestbook!
~Kathy & Keith Winch
I am very proud of my daddy's name Though his style of retrievin' and mine ain't exactly the same
Guns Up, Back and Over pick it up and resume my position
Ribbons won after fetchin' all day long It's a family tradition... |
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